Monday, February 22, 2010

Amethyst Necklace

One of my favorite gemstones to work with is amethyst - the name even sounds beautiful! I love that every pendants coloring is different so you can have "your own" design.
Amethyst is believed to be a spiritual crystal that can quicken spiritual growth & inspires healing powers, divine love & intuition. As a healing crystal, amethyst is considered to be an uplifting crystal & will strengthen both the endocrine & immune systems.
I use silk cording & pearl knot the stones in place, the pendant is on a sterling silver headpin surrounded by Swarovski crystals w/a sterling clasp. I always add my "signature" which is a vintage pearl & a pink Swarovski crystal on a sterling headpin.


  1. Hi Christine, this is a seriously cute creation, and I sure love your jewelery making skills!

  2. Thanks, Sonia! I enjoy looking at yours & other jewelry-makers blogs to get inspiration!!


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